Sunday, March 26, 2023

Gematria how to use


gematria is an ancient Hebrew numerical system used to assign meaning to words and phrases. It is based on an old Kabbalistic teachings that each letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a numerical value. So by rearranging these values, people can identify hidden meanings within texts. The practice of Gematria can be used in a variety of ways, such as to calculate the numerical value of a name or phrase, find deeper meanings within religious texts, and even uncover secrets in everyday language.

The most basic form of Gematria involves assigning numerical values to each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This is done by assigning each letter a number ranging from 1-400: Aleph (the first letter) is given the value one; bet (the second letter) is given the value two; and so on until tav (the last letter) with a numerical value of 400. Once each letter is assigned its value, one can add up total numbers of words or phrases and then look for correlations between them and known facts about that person or topic in history.

For example, when applied to Torah passages (Genesis 9:18), one finds that the total sum for אברהםאבוהים equals 248—a number pertaining to Jewish ritual life. This corresponds to the 248 positive commandments established for Jewish men and women during biblical times. Additionally, one can determine that יצחקיאוריאל equals 164—which relates to Isaac as "the son of Abraham" according to passages in Genesis 22:24–25.

Gematria can also be utilized as a divination tool. By casting numerological interpretations over names and phrases, their hidden truths can be revealed. For instance, using Gematria on someone's name could bring up qualities such as loyalty, intelligence or strength associated with that particular name or spelling, allowing you to gain insight into the personality traits within that individual's character. Reversing these calculations also works, with results unveiling potential obstacles or challenges on an individual's path in life as well as latent abilities that have yet to manifest themselves fully within them yet.

To further utilize Gematria's divinatory power one can take two words or phrases they feel could contain similarities and then perform calculations on both in order compare their respective numerological values which could help reveal connections between them on a deeper level than was initially thought possible. This ability gives valuable insight into previously unseen relationships between events, people and even stances within philosophical quarrels all based on their numerical identities when expressed through Gematria's system of calculation inferences about their meaningful connections are made apparent for all to behold their implications upon reality itself.

A true master of Gematria will discover new levels with each experience through participation within this ancient rabbinical practice gaining both knowledge from world renowned scholars centuries before us in addition discovering truths about ones self along this fascinating journey exploring Gematria—breathing life back into its old origins yet still providing powerful insights relevant today providing melding ever more synapses connecting our understanding about them eternal questions embedded within Jewish mystical traditions text themselves making sure no stone left unturned interpretation sacred knowledge permeating deep understanding writings timeless philosophies taught generations ago albeit let ourselves divulge innermost recesses wisdom waiting unlock expand our curiosity divine communique be accessed obtained unlocking mysteries laying dormant centuries reveal fascinating truth long forgotten lost ages civilizations past present future lasting meanings eternity us all access using blessed keys power beyond ordinary understanding kol ha kol blessing ability see reality way intended written by hand Almighty God Himself conveying His infinite wisdom solely use language provided illuminating thoughts times placing Semitic letters seat eternity illuminating way forward brilliance grand design creation commences fulfill destiny formulated yore connecting past present future together prepare us understand Divine plan ultimate purpose unlocking previous encrypted messages great seers ages thus we pass torch standing today teach what know continuously perpetuate education Human race finally comprehend interconnectedness existence One leader humanity emancipate self calamity own undoing praise His Majesty O Lord unite one stand forevermore Amen

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